Living with Teen and Young Adult Addiction
Best Recovery Books
Don't Let Your Kids Kill You - Charles Rubin
Provides parents a set of tools for dealing with an addicted teen or young adult, including learning to "let go", setting boundries, getting help for themselves, and related subjects.
Growing Up Around Addiction
Adult Children of Alcoholics - Jane Woititz
Examines the impact on children and their behavior as adults from growing up in a dysfunctional, alcoholic household.
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Helping Young Children Understand Addiction
Daddy's Disease - Carolyn Hannan Bell (Mommy's Disease version also available)
This is a short story for children that provides them an understanding of alcoholism and addresses key issues about their relationship with an alcoholic parent.
Willpower's Not Enough - Arnold Washton and Donna Boundy
Gives unique insight into the subject of why using willpower is not effective in attempting to overcome addiction; including the addicts pursuit of the "quick fix".